The following is a rant . You have been warned. I have over TWO THOUSAND hours in Skyrim. That's like 83 days (and some change) not here, but in a magic world filled with all the comforts of a faraway place. I mean sure, I have other interests and I have friends and family. However, nothing has ever made me feel the same way that Skyrim has. A significant thing in this world that I LOVE doing is finding eggs. I like to just find a hint about an egg, or just a glimmer of a rumor, and I go and explore the vast landscape to find my next treasure. This all is why it makes me sad to say that despite all the advantages to this game, there are still problems I find with it and the eggs. I absolutely HATE the variety of the heart put into the eggs. I like feel that some have entire quests around them and are these elaborate and well thought out masterpieces of code that i just want to keep exploring and exploring until I die. BUT some of these just suck. For example, I see other Skyrim...
When I'm playing Skyrim, sometimes I just feel like there is no limit to what the game has in it. Sometimes its just the little things hidden here and there which make me smile. Little things that the developers didn't have to put in there, but did anyway for our fun and enjoyment. I really appreciate that, and so to highlight the great work bestowed upon us by the great folks at Bethesda, here are 5 "Mini" Easter eggs. These are great gems and fun to find, but fair warning that some of these are just fun to find yourself. Its your call. 1. MY Precious - Anyone who has experienced the Lord of the Rings , whether through the books or the movies, will remember the character Gollum. The small grey man who has his special little magic ring. Anyone who has heard him will probably remember the phrase "My Precious" from him, in reference to his ring. It is both horrifying and sad to hear the guy cry over the loss of it, when Bilbo takes it. In Skyrim, ther...